Ruby Ore is a new ore that can be founded in caves at the same layers that Emerald. When broken, the ore give one Ruby (can't use fortune on it for the moment). The ruby can be used to craft armor and tools. Only Ruby Leggings are better than Diamond, and Ruby Tools are a bit better.
Ruby can be used to craft a Ruby Block.

Infertile Plain Biome
The Infertile Plain is a rare biome with only coarse dirt (no grass), dried oak logs and some dead bushes. It gives a special color for water and grass when you are in the biome.

Autumn Birch Forest
The Autum Birch Forest is a common forest biome with birch trees and new red birch leaves. Red Birch Leaves can drop Autumn Birch Sapling.

Mushroom Houses
Mushroom House is a structure that spawns in Mushroom Biomes with a chest inside of it with some stuff.

Hay Bale Strcture in Plains
A Hay Bale Structure can spawn in plains.

Poisoned Water
Poisoned Water is generated as lakes. When entity collides with Poisoned Water, entity is affected with poison effect for some seconds. When player is still inside Poisoned Water, he will not take damage

Rocks are generated in majority of biomes. When it's broken, it drops Pebbles.

Red Husk
Red Husk spawns in Mesa biomes. Like normal Husk, he gives to player Hunger effect (for more seconds than normal Husk).

Cotton plant is now generated in all biomes. When you click right on it, you are owned cotton and the plant have to grow up again to make new cotton. Cotton can be used to craft string. Placing Cotton on grass block places new Cotton plant.

The Caveman is a rare mob that spawns in caves or night. He have a Stone Sword and attack players. He can drop Ruby Ores when killed.

The Miner is a rare mob that spawns only in Extreme Hills. He is peacefull and have a Stone Pickaxe. He drops a Mining Helmet and rarely Emerald when killed. When he is striked by lightning, he turn into a Caveman.

Duck is a common mob that spawns in Swamp Biomes. When it's killed, it drops Duck Meat and some feathers.