Dough can be crafted with 8 weath and a water bucket.
Putting Dough in furnace gives Bread.
Purified Flesh
Purified Flesh can be obtained while putting Rotten Flesh in Furnace. It gives the double of food than Rotten Flesh and don't give any hungry when eaten.

Hot Dog
Hot Dogs can be crafted with bread and raw porkshop, and can be eaten.
Emerald Apple
When eaten, Emerald Apple gives experience to the player.


Cake Slices
Putting a Cake in crafting table gives 7 Cake Slices. It gives the same amount of food than eating a cake part.

Carrot Stew
Carrot Stew can be crafted with a bowl and 2 carrots.

Time Set Shortcut Commands
/day and /night are added as commands to set time easily to the day or to the night.

Gamemode Shortcut Commands
New shortcut commands are added to change gamemode :
- /g0 : to play in gamemode survival
- /g1 : to play in gamemode creative
- /g2 : to play in gamemode adventure
- /g3 : to play in gamemode spectator

Crafting gives Experience
Crafting gives now some xp to the player.

New Achievements
New achievements are added for the mod :
- It's Edible : get a Purified Flesh
- Hungry for Knowledge : eat an Emerald Apple
- Unbreakable : craft an Obsidian Pickaxe
- Stay Alive : use a Heart to heal yourself
- NO SWIMMING : swim in Poisoned Water

Mushroom Block Crafting
You can craft Mushroom Block with 9 mushrooms. Brown Mushrooms give Brown Mushroom Block, and Red Mushroom give Red Mushroom Block.
Red and Brown Mushroom Blocks can be used to craft Mushroom Stew, that can be used to craft Mushroom Stew Bark.

Speed on Paths
When entity is on grass path, a speed effect is given to the entity.

More Nugget
Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Emerald and Ruby have now Nugget form. They can be own by putting tools and armor in furnace, or by putting ingot in crafting table.
For Lapis Lazuli, use ingot from the mod to have ingots.

Heart is an item that gives 4 health. It can be crafted with 4 Pieces of Heart.
The Piece of Heart is rare item that drops when destroying grass.

Obsidian Bucket
Obsidian Bucket can be crafted with Water Bucket, Lava Bucket and empty Bucket. Right click on block to place an Obsidian Block on the block the player is facing. It cannot be used for crafting.

Unstable TNT
Unstable TNT is crafted with Soulsand and Gunpowder. It is actionned instantally when it's destroyed.