Compressed Gravel Block
Compressed Gravel Block can be crafted with 4 gravels. It has another texture than the original block. It has gravity as gravel.

Leather Block
Leather Block is a decoration block. It can be crafted with 9 leathers. It can be used as storage block for leather.

Glowing Obsidian
Glowing Obsidian is a decoration block that provide lightning. It can be crafted by 4 with four obsidian, four glowstone powder and one redstone. When broken without Silk Touch, it drops an obsidian.

Dried Oak
Dried Oak is a log generated in the Interfile Biome. It cannot be turned into planks and can be use as a fuel.

Flower Blocks
Flower Blocks can be crafted with 9 flowers.

Crying Obsidian
Crying Obsidian can be carfted with an obsidian and four lapis lazuli. When it's place, it sets the spawnpoint of the world. When it's breaked, the spawn is set to the original spawnpoint.

Golden Glass
Golden Glass is a transparent block that turns into opact at night if there is luminous source close. Luminous Golden Glass can be crafted to make the golden glass always opact. Stable Golden Glass can be crafted to make the golden glass always transparent.
All the golden glass can be turned into Golden Glass Pane.