Lapis Lazuli Ingot, Armor and Tools
Lapis Ingot can be crafted with 6 Lapis Lazuli. Can be used to craft Lapis Lazuli Armor and Tools. Lapis Lazuli armor and tools are worst than Diamond but give you good enchantments in the enchanting table easily and without require bookshelves.
Lapis Lazuli Ingot can be used to craft a Compacted Lapis Lazuli Block.

Emerald Armor and Tools
Emerald can be used to craft Emerald Armor and Tools. Only Emerald Helmet and Boots are better than Diamond. Emerald Tools are almost like Diamond.

Leather Chain Armor
The Leather Chain Armor can be crafted by setting two armor pieces in a crafting tables. Has the addition of the two armors but is a bit less better than Diamond.

Mining Helmet
The Mining Helmet can be dropped when a Miner is killed. It gives the player Night Vision while wearing it.

Obsidian Pickaxe
Obsidian Pickaxe can be crafted with Obsidian Blocks and Blaze Rods. Can be used to break faster blocks, but it can't be enchanted.

Slingshot and Pebbles
Slingshot can be crafted with 5 sticks and a string. Can be used like a bow, but has a lowest range, to shot Pebbles.
Pebbles can be crafted from a Cobblestone Block, and can be used to back-crafted to a Cobblestone Block.

Slingshot and Pebbles
Slingshot can be crafted with 5 sticks and a string. Can be used like a bow, but has a lowest range, to shot Pebbles.
Pebbles can be crafted from a Cobblestone Block, and can be used to back-crafted to a Cobblestone Block. They are also dropped from Rocks.